On September 26th 2021, the partners of the project “TOGETHER – TOwards a cultural understandinG of thE oTHER” had their first face-to-face transnational meeting in Taurisano, Italy. The event was organized by Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa Associazione Culturale (FPD).
The major objective of this meeting was to discuss and exchange views about the progress of the project from October 2020 to date. The agenda included the evaluation of the second Intellectual Output (IO2) pertaining to the module’s development.
Xanthippi Kontogianni, representative of the Lead Partner CulturePolis, addressed the participants with the opening remarks followed by a special session dedicated to the Impact Measurement Plan vis-a-vis the project’s status.
The e-learning platform’s implementation details related to the third Intellectual Output (IO3) conducted by EWORX were also addressed.
In turn, Stephanos Patelis presented the details pertaining to the languages, subscriptions and the technical aspects of the application.
Afterwards, Vaia Kryatzouli from IED, Cyprus defined all the quality insurance reports and results, the state of the art in intercultural dialogue in the partnering countries as well as the exploration of good practices within and beyond the EU.
On September 27 2021, Antoinette Moubarak from the Lebanese Development Network (LDN) presented the dissemination plan designated to get all partners involved in this component.
A closing session was held among all partners to brainstorm about the upcoming period and the sustainability measured to be taken after the end of the project’s period.
‘TOGETHER’ is a two-year Erasmus+ funded project. It derives from the need to create the bonds, establish the appropriate awareness, and promote the common values vis-a-vis the intercultural dialogue between the EU and the neighboring countries.
It mainly seeks to empower all sectors in society through building bridges between people, reinforcing mutual understanding, and boosting economic and social development to enable Europe and its neighbors face the common challenges, and achieve social cohesion and sustainability.
The Consortium is comprised of: CulturePolis – Greece, A.B. Institute of Entrepreneurship Development LTD (IED) – Cyprus, Eworx Ypiresies Ilektronikou Epicheirein Anonymos Etaireia (EWORX) – Greece, Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa Associazione Culturale (FPD) – Italy, Georgian Arts & Culture Center (GACC) – Georgia and the Lebanese Development Network (LDN) – Lebanon.