
From July till September 2022, the partnering organizations of the project “TOGETHER – TOwards a cultural understandinG of thE oTHER” will be organizing five national events in their respective countries: Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Georgia and Lebanon.

The execution proposed is to develop a common strategy meant to coordinate the preparation, implementation, dissemination, and follow up within the framework of the project’s transnational cooperation on both local and international levels.

The major objective of the Multiplier Events is to constitute a cornerstone for the sustainability of the project through a) Presenting its goals and objectives; b) Exposing the general results and specifically those of the Intellectual Outputs; c) Providing Exemplary Sessions on the training component including the methodology, the guidelines for the Ambassadors Curriculum, the e-Toolbox and the Intercultural Dialogue Guidebook; d) Exchanging of ideas and suggestions for the new activities; and e) Identification of actions to ensure future sustainability of the project’s outcomes.

To enhance the communication and visibility of the Project, the Lead Partner CulturePolis will invite a group of prominent journalists to participate in the event whereas the remaining partners will disseminate in parallel the press release to the local media.

The various stakeholders will constitute a strong network of ‘TOGETHER’ supporters by playing a significant role in achieving a bottom-up approach while involving local and foreign participants.

‘TOGETHER’ is a two-year Erasmus+ funded project which derives from the need to create the bonds, establish the appropriate awareness, and promote the common values vis-a-vis the intercultural dialogue between the EU and the neighboring countries.

It mainly seeks to empower all sectors in society through building bridges between people, reinforcing mutual understanding, and boosting economic and social development to enable Europe and its neighbors face the common challenges, and achieve social cohesion and sustainability.

The Consortium is comprised of: CulturePolis – Greece, A.B. Institute of Entrepreneurship Development LTD (IED) – Cyprus, Eworx Ypiresies Ilektronikou Epicheirein Anonymos Etaireia (EWORX) – Greece, Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa Associazione Culturale (FPD) – Italy, Georgian Arts & Culture Center (GACC) – Georgia and the Lebanese Development Network (LDN) – Lebanon.


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